Board Member Responsibilities:

Executive Board
Please Note: All Executive Board Members (Officers and Committee Chairpersons) work together as a team brainstorming ideas, making suggestions, and supporting efforts to move MGWWC forward in a friendly and fun environment. The terms of all positions are two years. The experience and knowledge gained lasts a lifetime. All position descriptions may include additional miscellaneous responsibilities as agreed in coordination with the Officers Committee.



Responsibilities include:

  • Preside over meetings of the general membership and the Executive Committee. The President oversees the application of the by-laws and policies as adopted by the membership.

  • Represent and serve the Membership in a positive and respectful fashion.

  • Encourage members to be involved in the decision-making process through their suggestions, comments, questions and concerns.

  • Prepare and distribute agendas for both the Board and Membership meetings.

  • Lead both Board and Membership meetings.

  • Provide any reported information on committees not represented at the board meetings.

  • Stay active and involved in committee activities, attending or otherwise supporting as many as possible.

  • Encourage and support the Officers and Committee Chairs to work together cooperatively.

  • Keep a notebook of records to be passed to the next President.

  • In coordination with the Vice President, approves final versions of all communications sent to members regarding MGWWC business, meetings, and other such related activities… as sent by email or other

Vice President

Responsibilities include:

  • In the absence of the President, Secretary, or Treasurer the Vice President shall assume the duties of said office. The Vice President shall oversee all standing committees.

  • Attend monthly board and membership meetings.

  • Stay active and involved in committee activities, attending or otherwise supporting as many as possible.

  • Provide any reported information on committees not represented at the board meetings.

  • As stated in by-laws assume duties of President, Secretary or Treasurer when absent.

  • Coordinate with the meeting facility to schedule and confirm Board and Membership Meetings dates and times. Report confirmed schedule to the executive Board.

  • In coordination with the President, approves final versions of all communications sent to members regarding MGWWC business, meetings, and other such related activities… as sent by email or other media.

  • Attend and participate in Board and Membership Meetings.


Responsibilities include:

  • Maintain written records of the Executive Board Committee and General Membership meetings of the Master Gardeners of Western Wayne County (MGWWC).

  • Provide written Minutes and other information to the MGWWC Executive Board Committee and Committee Chairperson.

  • Maintain an annual binder of all Minutes, meeting attendance and MGWWC correspondence.

  • Respond to correspondence as directed.

  • Attend and participate in Board and Membership Meetings.


Responsibilities include:

  • Manage all MGWWC income, expenses and bank account(s) according to the accounting practices, policies and procedures outlined in the Michigan Master Gardener Association Financial Guidebook.

  • Collect dues from the Membership Chairperson.

  • Collect revenue from the Merchandise Chairperson, as earned from general merchandise sales and special sales. Deposit revenue in the MGWWC bank account and maintain bank records.

  • Use MGWWC credit card to submit merchandise orders, as agreed with the Merchandise Chairperson and the Executive Board, directly or in coordination with designee.

  • Provide a financial report to be read and approved at each Board meeting, and a verbal summary financial status summary at each Membership meeting.

  • Provide an annual written financial report to be available for review and audit as needed.

  • Attend and participate in Board and Membership Meetings.

President Emeritus

Responsibilities include:

  • President Emeritus is the immediate Past President and a prior Officer who may volunteer, upon request of the Executive Board, to serve in an advisory role to the board and MGWWC as a whole by providing guidance and expertise based on their knowledge and experience.

  • Upon request, may support the Executive Board functions in areas such as general operations, succession planning, development and implementation of strategic planning, special projects, representing MGWWC at professional functions and, upon request of the board, serving as temporary Acting President if the President and Vice President are unavailable. Board meeting attendance is optional and advisory.